Collection: Jujube Trees

Bare root jujube trees are great for many growing zones

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Collection: Our Bare Root Jujube Trees for Sale

Bare Root Jujube Trees for Sale

The jujube fruit, also known as Chinese date (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), has a rich history dating back over 4,000 years in China. Not only is it celebrated for its delicious taste, but it is also renowned for its nutritional value. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of jujube tree cultivation and how to grow these ornamental fruiting trees using the products available at

Understanding the Jujube Tree:

  • Botanical Background: The jujube tree, scientifically known as Ziziphus jujuba Mill., is native to China and has become a cherished fruit in many parts of the world. This deciduous tree produces small, round fruit with a sweet and chewy flesh. Dried jujubes, in particular, are prized for their high Vitamin C content and potential health benefits.
  • Tree Size and Fruit Yield: Jujube trees are known for their versatility as ornamental fruiting trees. When grown on standard rootstock, they can reach heights of 30–40 feet, making them a prominent feature in any garden or orchard. Mature jujube trees have the potential to produce impressive yields, ranging from 40–100 pounds of fruit per season.
  • Varieties and Characteristics: It's important to note that jujube tree varieties may vary in characteristics. Some jujube varieties possess spines on their branches, requiring careful handling during planting and maintenance. Researching and selecting the right jujube variety for your climate and preferences is a crucial step in successful cultivation.
  • Temperature Tolerance: Jujube trees are remarkable for their ability to withstand a wide range of temperatures. They can endure temperatures as high as over 100°F and as low as -28°F during their dormancy period. This resilience makes them suitable for various climates, although they do require a minimal chill period and plenty of hot summer sun to set fruit.
  • Soil Preferences: Jujube trees thrive in well-draining sandy soils. Their adaptability to drought conditions and minimal susceptibility to insect infestations make them a relatively low-maintenance fruit tree. However, soil quality and preparation play essential roles in their overall health and fruit production.

Planting and Growing Jujube Trees:

  • Age of Trees: At, you can find 1-2-year-old jujube trees, which are poised to begin fruiting in their third year. These young trees are an excellent starting point for home gardeners looking to grow their jujube orchard.
  • Spring Frost Protection: One of the unique features of jujube trees is their ability to delay budding, providing natural protection against spring frosts. This resilience ensures that the tree is less susceptible to damage during early spring temperature fluctuations.
  • Planting and Care: When planting jujube trees, consider their soil preferences and ensure proper soil preparation. Planting depth, spacing, and adequate watering during the establishment phase are essential. As the tree matures, minimal care and maintenance are required, making it an attractive choice for gardeners seeking low-effort fruit trees.
  • Pollination: Jujube trees are often self-pollinating, meaning that a single tree can produce fruit without the need for cross-pollination with another tree. However, planting multiple jujube trees can increase fruit yields and improve overall pollination rates.

Products for Successful Jujube Tree Cultivation: offers a selection of products to aid in the successful cultivation of jujube trees:

  • Jujube Tree Varieties: Choose from a variety of jujube tree varieties that suit your preferences and climate. Research the characteristics and suitability of each variety to make an informed decision.
  • Soil Amendments: Select appropriate soil amendments and fertilizers to ensure that your jujube trees receive the necessary nutrients for robust growth and fruit production.
  • Planting Tools: Find essential planting tools, such as shovels, spades, and pruners, to facilitate the planting process and subsequent maintenance of your jujube trees.
  • Pest and Disease Control: Explore pest and disease control products to protect your jujube trees from potential threats. Jujube trees are generally hardy, but it's important to be prepared for any challenges that may arise.

Growing jujube trees offers a rewarding experience that connects us with a time-honored tradition and provides access to delicious and nutritious fruit. With their adaptability to various climates, minimal maintenance requirements, and impressive fruit yields, jujube trees are an attractive addition to any garden or orchard. By understanding the characteristics of jujube trees and using the products available at, you can embark on a journey to cultivate these ornamental fruiting trees and savor the delightful flavors of fresh jujubes, all while enjoying the benefits of a beautiful and productive tree in your landscape.

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