Collection: Onion Seeds

Homegrown organic onions right from the garden

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Onion Seeds 

Onions are a staple in many kitchens around the world. Though they are available year-round, they are typically harvested in the late summer or early fall.

Onions can be white, yellow, red, or purple, and their taste ranges from sweet to pungent. Though they are most often used as an ingredient in savory dishes, onions can also be used in sweet dishes such as onion jam or caramelized onions. Onion seeds are relatively easy to grow, and many gardeners start their onion plants from seed.

Growing seed onions is a rewarding endeavor for any gardener, offering flavorful and versatile additions to various dishes. Understanding the process from planting seeds to harvesting onions ensures a successful cultivation journey.

Planting Onions from Seeds:

  • Early Spring Planting: Begin planting onion seeds indoors in early spring, approximately 8-10 weeks before the last frost date in your region.
  • Seed Sowing Techniques: Sow onion seeds in seed trays or pots filled with a quality seed-starting mix. Ensure proper spacing and cover the seeds lightly with soil.

Cultivation Essentials:

  • Light and Temperature: Onions require ample light for optimal growth. Consider using grow lights or providing them with at least 14-16 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Optimal Growing Conditions: Maintain a consistent temperature range between 60°F to 75°F for robust seedling development.

Transplanting and Bulb Formation:

  • Transplanting Seedlings: Once seedlings reach a height of 4-6 inches, transplant them outdoors after the last frost date. Ensure a well-drained soil and proper spacing for bulb development.
  • Bulb Formation: Adequate sunlight and consistent watering contribute to the formation of healthy onion bulbs. Monitor soil moisture to prevent overwatering or underwatering.

Growing Onions from Sets:

  • Alternative Method: Apart from growing onions from seeds, consider using sets (small onion bulbs) for quicker and simpler cultivation. Plant sets directly into the ground in early spring for a shorter growing period.

Day-Neutral Onions and Harvesting:

  • Day-Neutral Varieties: Some onion varieties are day-neutral, allowing them to form bulbs regardless of day length. Choose suitable types for your region and growing conditions.
  • Harvesting Onions: Harvest onions when their tops have fallen over and dried. Gently dig them out, allowing them to dry further before storage.

Long-Term Storage and Usage:

  • Storage Preparation: Cure harvested onions by allowing them to dry in a well-ventilated area for a few weeks. Trim roots and tops before storing.
  • Storage Conditions: Store cured onions in a cool, dry place with good air circulation, preserving their quality for long-term use in various culinary dishes.

Key Tips for Success:

  • Frost Timing: Understand the frost dates in your region to plan the ideal planting and harvesting times for onions.
  • Consistent Care: Maintain consistent watering and ensure proper soil drainage to avoid issues like rot or diseases affecting onion growth.

Growing onions from seeds offers the joy of witnessing their development from tiny seeds to flavorful bulbs ready for harvest. Whether sowing seeds indoors for transplanting or using sets for convenience, proper care and attention to growth stages ensure a rewarding harvest of fresh onions for immediate use or long-term storage.

Learn more about seed starting in your organic garden with our resource guide and buy everything you need with our Seed Starting Kit.

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