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Item Number: SNV5943

Astia Zucchini Summer Squash Seeds

Astia Zucchini Summer Squash Seeds

Ornamental Zucchini for the Deck

Astia is a well-bred French bush Zucchini variety, developed especially for container growing and planting in small space gardens. These non-rambling, compact squash vines are also highly ornamental with big silvery-green, deeply indented leaves. Early bearing and productive, Astia bears abundant zucchini near the base of the plant where they are easy to harvest. These uniformly smooth, lustrous, glossy-green zucchini have excellent flavor and are delicious whether roasted, sautéed, steamed or baked.

Quantity Discounts for Astia Zucchini Summer Squash Seeds
Buy 5 for $4.49 each
Buy 10 for $4.19 each
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Shipping Information

Ships from Northern CA.

Shipping Weight: 0.01 lb

Dimensions: 4.5"L x 3.125"W x 0.1"H


  • Container Compatible
  • Hybrid
  • Matures Early
  • Requires Summer Water
  • Useful for Ornamental


USDA Growing Zone: 3 - 9
Approximate Harvest Time : Early Fall
Approximate Harvest Time : Early Summer
Approximate Harvest Time : Late Summer
Growth Habit : Bush
Life Cycle : Annual
Plant Family : Curcubitaceae (Curcubits)
Planting Time : Spring
Planting Time : Summer
Seed Unit Sizes : Seed Pack
Soil pH : 6.1 - 6.5
Soil pH : 6.6 - 7.0
Starting Location : Direct Sow
Starting Location : Start Indoors & Transplant
Sun Requirements : Full Sun

Planting & Care

Soil & Water:Amend soil well before sowing with lots of aged manure or compost.

Planting & Growing:Plant only when spring weather is warm and night temperatures stay above 50 degrees. Plant in slightly mounded hills, 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet apart. Plant seeds in a triangular pattern with 2 seeds 1" deep at each point. Thin hill seedlings to 3 strongest plants. Protect seedlings from birds. For container growing use fresh, good quality soil and sow seeds 4" from edges. When 3-4" tall, remove all but the strongest seedlings so that one (15" diameter pot) or two (20" diameter pot) remain. For larger pots spacing should be 8-10" apart.

Harvesting & Storage: Harvest when 5" inches long. Frequent harvesting keeps plants producing.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Most prolific and disease-free

I'm so glad I planted these in pots this year. They were extremely productive and tasted delicious.

Janet Planet

I always search for the patio version of zucchini, these are just as prolific but with a smaller plant. Yay

Ada Porat
Prolific and self-contained

This is the only long zucchini I now grow - all winter in the greenhouse, and outside during summer. It does not take up a lot of space and bears prolific zucchini. A true winner!

Grows like a weed in an aquaponic system

Started seeds in a Dixie cup indoors under lights: fast germination and sprouting. Transplanted into an indoor aquaponic grow bed and am impressed with the amount of growth in a few weeks. Great start so far.

Excellent early bearing vegetable

This zucchini is a delicious tasting, early bearing plant. I recommend it highly for containers and small gardens. Pick zucchini when 5" long.

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