Collection: Cover Crop Seeds

Improve the health of your soil with cover crops!

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Fall Planted Cover Crops

Grass Seed

Seed Inoculants

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Year Round Cover Crops Seeds

Collection: Improve the health of your soil with cover crops!

Cover crops are a fundamental element of sustainable agriculture, offering a host of benefits that promote healthy soil, suppress weeds, and enhance crop yields. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or a gardening enthusiast, incorporating cover crop seeds into your agricultural practices can significantly contribute to your overall success and the environment. We offer a diverse selection of cover crop seeds, both organic and conventional, to cater to your specific needs.

The Role of Cover Crops in Sustainable Agriculture

Cover crops play a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture, offering a multitude of advantages for both the soil and the crops themselves. They are a low-cost and eco-friendly solution that can transform your agricultural practices.

Adding Organic Matter to the Soil

One of the primary benefits of planting cover crops is their ability to add organic matter to the soil. Organic matter improves soil structure, increases water retention, and enhances nutrient availability. As cover crops grow and eventually decompose, they contribute valuable organic material to the soil, enriching its fertility and overall health.

Weed Suppression

Cover crops act as natural weed suppressants. Their vigorous growth shades out weeds, preventing them from gaining a foothold in your fields or garden beds. This reduces the need for synthetic herbicides and minimizes weed-related competition with your primary crops.

Nitrogen Enrichment (Legume Cover Crops)

Certain cover crops, such as field peas and other legumes, have the remarkable ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil. This nitrogen fixation enriches the soil with this essential nutrient, reducing the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in subsequent crops. This symbiotic relationship between legume cover crops and nitrogen fixation is a prime example of sustainable farming practices.

Choosing the Right Cover Crop Seeds

Selecting the appropriate cover crop seeds is crucial to maximize their benefits for your specific agricultural needs. To assist you in making an informed choice, we offer a "Cover Crop Solution Chart" that outlines the characteristics of our various cover crop seeds, helping you identify the ideal options for your particular circumstances.

Diverse Selection of Cover Crop Seeds

We pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of cover crop seeds to suit a variety of needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking organic cover crop seeds or conventional ones, our selection includes options such as Crimson Clover, Daikon Radish, Hairy Vetch, Sweet Clover, Red Clover, and many more.

Non-GMO and Open-Pollinated

We are committed to providing you with high-quality cover crop seeds that are free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Our cover crop seeds are non-GMO and open-pollinated, ensuring that your agricultural practices align with natural and sustainable methods.

Custom Blends for Farmers

For farmers with specific requirements or large-scale operations, we offer the flexibility to create custom blends of cover crop seeds tailored to your unique needs. These customized blends can optimize your cover crop strategy, addressing specific soil deficiencies or crop rotation goals. Feel free to inquire about special pricing for large quantities of cover crop seeds.

Cover crop seeds are invaluable assets in sustainable agriculture, contributing to the improvement of soil health, weed suppression, and nitrogen enrichment. Whether you're a small-scale gardener or a commercial farmer, integrating cover crops into your agricultural practices can lead to more productive and eco-friendly outcomes. We provide a diverse selection of non-GMO and open-pollinated cover crop seeds, both organic and conventional, to cater to your unique needs. Discover the transformative benefits of cover crops and take a significant step towards sustainable and environmentally conscious farming and gardening practices.


Additional Resources

How to Grow Cover Crops: A Growing Guide

Turning Cover Crops into Green Manure

Cover Crops

  1. University of Minnesota Extension: This article covers how cover crops can improve water management, soil protection, and nutrient scavenging. It emphasizes the importance of giving cover crops the same attention as cash crops for successful results. The article also provides guidance on getting started with cover crops, especially in Minnesota's climate​.

  2. University of Nevada, Reno Extension: This resource explains the benefits of cover crops in soil protection and addition of soil organic matter and nutrients. It discusses how cover crops can prevent erosion, improve soil fertility, and aid in pest management. The article also touches on the role of cover crops in improving soil health and offers insights into livestock grazing and forage benefits​.

  3. Penn State Extension: Penn State Extension offers a range of resources on cover crops, including guides, publications, online courses, and more. Their materials provide extensive information on the benefits and practical applications of cover crops in farming​.

  4. Michigan State University Extension: This article from MSU Extension highlights the multifaceted benefits of including cover crops in crop rotations. It details how cover crops can enhance soil structure, improve water infiltration, reduce erosion, and decrease weed pressure. The role of cover crops in enhancing soil organic matter and the microbial ecosystem in the soil is also discussed​.

  5. Mississippi State University Extension Service: This publication explains the role of cover crops in sustaining and improving soil health. It discusses how cover crops protect soil from degradation and runoff losses and are crucial for a sustainable environment. The article also addresses the specific benefits and limitations of different cover crop plants​.

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