Collection: Strawberry Plants for Sale

Plant some June bearing and everbearing for a long season of strawberries

30 products

Collection: Bare Root Strawberry Plants

Strawberries are a popular choice for home gardeners, offering delicious fruits and a lush ground cover with their vibrant foliage. These easy-to-grow plants thrive in various settings, from raised beds to pots, provided they receive the right care and attention. In this article, we'll explore the different types of strawberry plants and how to cultivate them successfully in your garden.

Ideal Growing Conditions

Strawberries are known for their shallow root system, which makes them well-suited to raised beds or containers. They thrive in full sun, requiring at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily to produce the best results. While they are relatively hardy, strawberries greatly benefit from the use of mulch, which helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and keep the fruits clean by preventing them from touching the ground. In addition to sunlight and mulch, well-drained soil rich in essential nutrients is key to cultivating healthy strawberry plants.

Varieties of Strawberry Plants

When it comes to strawberry plants, you have several options to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages.

June Bearing Strawberries

June bearing strawberries are a favorite among gardeners for their impressive fruit production. These plants produce a single, large crop in early spring to early summer, usually spanning a period of 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, they yield an abundance of delicious red berries that are perfect for fresh consumption or preserving into jams and desserts. June bearing strawberries are prolific producers, making them a great choice for those looking to enjoy a bountiful harvest during a specific time window.

Everbearing Strawberries (Day-Neutral Varieties)

In contrast to June bearing strawberries, everbearing strawberries, also known as day-neutral varieties, offer a different fruiting pattern. While they may not be as prolific as June bearers, everbearing strawberries have their own advantages. These plants produce fruit continuously throughout the summer, providing a steady supply of fresh strawberries. One noteworthy characteristic of everbearing strawberries is that they produce fewer daughter plants, resulting in a neater and more orderly garden.

A Strategic Approach

To maximize your strawberry harvest and enjoy a longer growing season, consider planting a combination of both June bearing and everbearing varieties. This strategy allows you to have an initial burst of strawberries in early summer from the June bearers, followed by a continuous supply of fruit from the everbearers throughout the summer months. Doing so can extend your strawberry harvest and make the most of your garden space. This balanced approach ensures that you'll have plenty of red, juicy berries to enjoy fresh, share with friends and family, or preserve for later use.

In Summary

Strawberries are an excellent addition to any home garden, offering delicious fruits and beautiful foliage. By providing the right growing conditions and selecting the appropriate strawberry plant varieties, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest that spans several weeks or even months. Whether you opt for the prolific June bearing strawberries or the continuous fruiting of everbearers, your garden will become a fruitful and rewarding space for both you and your taste buds.

Enjoy our strawberries for sale, and see our growing guide in the Resource Center. 

For more information on growing BIG strawberries organically, see our guide.

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