Spring is officially here, and with Easter just around the corner, you may be considering getting some baby chicks this year to start a backyard flock. Before you invest in raising chickens, here are a few things you’ll need to know to get started.
Getting the Most Out of Your Hen-vestment
The first step in preparing for chicks is deciding what you will be buying. How many laying hens are right for your family is usually based on how many farm-fresh eggs per week you’d like your flock to produce. At their peak, a healthy egg-laying hen will lay between three and seven eggs per week. Some breeds lay better than others, and some individuals are egg-producing superstars. The number of eggs increases in spring and summer with longer daylight hours and declines in fall and winter.
Next, you’ll need to decide if you will also be raising chickens for meat. If so, you’ll want to select dual-purpose breeds, which produce large, meaty birds as well as plenty of eggs. Some favorites include Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons. Finally, choose what egg colors you want to collect. Green eggs from Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas are fun (and don’t even need dye next Easter!). Blue Andalusians and Leghorns lay white eggs, while Marans and Welsummers produce chocolate-brown eggs. Salmon Faverolles lay pink eggs, and Barred Rocks and Dominiques are reliable brown egg layers.
Home Sweet Home

Before your baby chicks arrive, it’s a good idea to have their new home set up. For chicks under six weeks old, this means a brooder. You’ll need to provide one square foot per chick to prevent crowding, which can lead to illness and injuries. A brooder box can be anything from a large cardboard box to a livestock water trough. It should be warm, draft-free, and predator-proof (yes, that includes your pet cat).
Inside the brooder, use wood shavings or similar materials for bedding, but avoid newspapers, as they cause leg injuries. Provide fresh water from a chick waterer, and ensure at least two inches of feeder space per chick. Adding a practice perch helps them develop natural roosting instincts.
Perhaps the most crucial component is the heat lamp. The area under the lamp should remain 90–95°F at two inches above the floor. Reduce the temperature by five degrees per week until it reaches 70–75°F. Once chicks develop adult feathers (around six weeks old), they can move to a chicken coop. If nighttime temperatures drop below 50°F, provide extra warmth—but be cautious when using heat sources inside a coop!
Balanced Nutrition for Healthy Hens
Not all chicken feed is created equal! To keep your backyard chickens healthy, choose
the best diet for their age:
- Starter/Grower Crumbles (0–18/20 weeks old): High in protein to support growth.
- Layer Pellets (18/20+ weeks old): Contains extra calcium for strong eggshells. Expect your hens to eat around two pounds of feed per week during peak laying season.
- Grit is essential for all ages to aid digestion.
- Oyster shell should be available free-choice for laying hens.
Chickens love treats, and chicken scratch or kitchen scraps can be great, but avoid raw eggs, green potatoes, undercooked beans, avocado, chocolate, cat food, and spoiled food. While chickens aren’t big fans of citrus, opinions vary on its safety.
For the happiest hens and best-tasting eggs, allow your flock to forage on pasture. They love fresh greens and the occasional bug. If you don’t have a yard, grow an Omega-3 Chicken Forage Mix in a seed flat and place it in the coop run. With a little planning, you can enjoy a healthy, happy backyard flock this year!