How to Control Erosion

In this video, Tricia shows you how you can prevent soil erosion in your yard or garden with some simple, natural steps!

How to Control Erosion

Great soil is at the heart of organic growing. You not only want to build your soil but also protect it from eroding away into streams and waterways. You can also prevent dangerous mudslides with some simple strategies.

Understanding Erosion

Erosion is the process of water or wind loosening topsoil, moving it, and depositing it somewhere else as sediment. Areas disturbed by defoliation, construction, removal of annual crops, or tree removal are especially prone to erosion. Fortunately, there are natural and effective ways to conserve your soil.

Measure Your Slope

The type of erosion control strategy depends on the slope of the erosion-prone area. A quick way to measure your slope involves using stakes, twine, and a level. Divide the rise by the run, multiply by 100, and you have your slope percentage.

Erosion Control Strategies

  • Slopes up to 33%: Mulches, rocks, and grasses are excellent options. Mulch is especially useful for garden areas because it not only reduces erosion but also builds soil. A two-inch layer of mulch is effective. Cover crops are another great way to protect and enhance your soil. For landscape areas, you can plant erosion-specific seed mixes like our Quick Cover Erosion Mix or the Premium Erosion Mix.
  • Slopes 33% to 50%: Use natural materials like coco mats, burlap, or jute netting in combination with erosion control seed mixes or shrubs. Secure the netting with ground staples and allow the plants to grow through it, providing natural erosion control as the netting decomposes.
  • Slopes over 50%: These areas will need terracing with retaining walls to prevent soil loss effectively.

Protect Your Soil

Keep your soil where it’s needed and out of rivers and streams. Use these techniques to control erosion and grow organic for life!

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