Contact Us

When you shop with us, be assured that each product has been reviewed by our staff. We know you want quality, so we scrutinized every product in this catalog to ensure that it meets our high standards. We are committed to excellent customer service.

Customer Service

    Return an Item

    If you have an concern with your order, or if you'd like to return an item, click the "Return an Item" button below and answer the questions to find if your item is returnable and how to start the return process.

    Click on a box below that best describes your situation.

    Items I ordered are
    missing or arrived damaged.
    I'd like to return an item.
    My seed/tree/plant
    didn't grow as expected.

    We're sorry to hear that. Which issue are you facing?

    An item I ordered
    is missing from my delivery.
    An item I ordered
    arrived in damaged, or subpar condition.

    Missing Item(s)

    Please be sure to check the package thoroughly as small products can often be hidden in the packing material.Many orders ship in multiple boxes, which can get separated during transit. It is possible your missing item(s) will arrive separately.

    Fill out the form below to submit your Missing Item Claim:

    Missing & Damaged Item(s)

    Please be sure to check the package thoroughly as small products can often be hidden in the packing material.Many orders ship in multiple boxes, which can get separated during transit. It is possible your missing item(s) will arrive separately.

    Damage to Perishable Items
    We guarantee the perishable items we sell to be in good, viable condition when we sell them. Perishable items include, but are not limited to, garlic bulbs, flower bulbs, seed potatoes, onion sets & transplants, bare-root trees, vegetable crowns… etc. If your perishable item arrives in substandard condition, take photographs and please contact us within 3 days of the purchase date (or delivery date) and we will provide you with a refund of the purchase price (excluding shipping costs), or a replacement. Accordingly, we urge you to open any boxes marked as “Perishable” immediately upon receiving them and inspect the shipment thoroughly (do not crack open heads of garlic, we do not accept claims on cracked garlic). Because some perishable items can deteriorate very quickly, we cannot accept any claims beyond the 3-day time frame as it becomes too difficult to determine if these items were delivered in substandard condition, or if they turned into such substandard condition because of having been improperly cared for or stored once delivered.

    Follow the steps & fill out the form below to submit your Missing Item/Damage Claim:

    Attach a picture of the damaged item(s). Please make sure you can clearly see the damage in the picture.



    Add Attachment

    Missing and/or Damaged Item(s) for International Customers

    Please contact us via the methods listed above.

    Which best describes the item you'd like to return?

    ie. tree, plant, etc.
    ie. seeds, tool, fertilizer, etc.

    What type of item are you hoping to return?

    Dormant Tree/Plant

    Is the item you'd like to return used?


    Is today's date within 90 days of the date of purchase/delivery?


    Limited Dormant Tree/Plant Guarantee (When Planted in the Ground by April 1st) - Deadline is June 1st (with the exception of persimmon trees, which have a deadline of June 15th)!

    What We Guarantee
    Our only guarantee is that your dormant tree/plant will arrive in good, viable condition and will leaf out by May 15th (historically 98% of our trees do). This guarantee is only available to customers who purchased their tree/plant directly from us, and who planted their tree/plant in the ground by April 1st (or temporarily in a pot if the ground in their zone was still frozen solid). Olive trees are NOT dormant, therefore, they are NOT covered under this guarantee.

    What We Cannot Guarantee
    We cannot guarantee that your tree/plant remains alive & healthy, or bears fruit, as there are too many variables beyond our control in order to do so (i.e. soil preparation, planting, fertilization, weed & pest control, adequate irrigation and/or drainage, chill hours, compatible hardiness for your zone, proper choice of pollinator, etc).

    How to Request a Credit
    If your tree/plant does not leaf out by May 15th, please follow the steps below and fill out the form to submit a claim. The deadline to contact us for credit is June 1st - any claims submitted after this date will be denied (with the exception of persimmon trees, which have a deadline of June 15th).

    Perform a "scratch test." This test consists of checking for green under the bark. If it is green, give it more time as the tree/plant is still alive. If the scratch test reveals a brown cambium the tree/plant is dead or dying. Fill out the form below to begin the claims process. For more information on this simple procedure, watch our video.Attach pictures of the entire tree/plant, including a picture of the roots and scratch test area.



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    Limited Seed Garlic Guarantee

    Valid on seed garlic planted by November 15th. Claim deadline is 45 days from purchase or delivery. Claims placed after December 31st will be denied.

    What We Guarantee
    Our only guarantee is that the seed garlic we sell will germinate, provided you follow the steps listed in our Garlic Planting & Growing Guide. This guarantee is only available to customers who purchase their seed garlic directly from us.

    What We Cannot Guarantee
    We cannot guarantee that your garlic will remain alive & healthy, or sizes up properly, as there are too many variables beyond our control to be able to do so (i.e. soil preparation, fertilization, weed and pest control, temperature control, irrigation, etc).

    How to Request a Credit
    If you experience a significant lack of germination (over 50%), follow the steps below and fill out the form to submit a claim within 45 days of purchase or delivery.

    Attach pictures of the lack of germination of your garlic.



    Add Attachment

    Non-Returnable Perishable Items

    We're sorry to hear that your plants did not meet your expectations. Unfortunately, due to many variables beyond our control, we are not able to accept returns of plants or seeds that are not covered by our Peaceful Valley Brand Seed Germination Guarantee, our Limited Dormant Tree/Plant Guarantee or our Limited Seed Garlic Guarantee. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact us at (888) 784-1722 or

    Non-Returnable Items

    We're sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your purchase. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept returns of items that are used as we are unable to resell them as new or send them back to the vendor. If you believe your item is defective, please read below.

    Defective Items
    If you are looking to return a used item that you deemed defective (ie. stopped working/broke after a short while), please follow the steps below:

    Attach pictures of the defective item.Returns of defective items will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the supplier. Please note that defective units may be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer's discretion, and this process generally takes a few days. All defective items being returned must be complete, clean and soil-free. Sprayers must be rinsed, drained, dry and free of chemical smell.



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    Returnable Items

    You may return your unused, like-new, non-perishable item in its intact original packaging within 90 days of the purchase date (or delivery date). Due to hygiene concerns, any food processing item that has been opened, even if it has not been used, will be subject to a 15% restocking fee as we will have to resell the item at an "open box discount."

    Fill out the form below to submit your return request:

    If you are returning an item that was defective and/or broken out of the box, please attach a picture of the defective item and include any steps taken to troubleshoot the issue in the field labeled "Reason for Return."Returns for items that arrived defective will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the supplier. Please note that defective units may be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer's discretion, and this process generally takes a few days. All defective items being returned must be complete, clean and soil-free. Sprayers must be rinsed, drained, dry and free of chemical smell.




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    Non-Returnable Items

    We're sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your purchase. Unfortunately, we are only able to accept returns of items that were purchased or delivered within the last 90 days. If you believe your item is defective, please read below:

    Defective Items
    If you are looking to return a used item that you deemed defective (ie. stopped working/broke after a short while), please follow the steps below:

    Attach pictures of the defective item.Returns of defective items will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the supplier. Please note that defective units may be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer's discretion, and this process generally takes a few days. All defective items being returned must be complete, clean and soil-free. Sprayers must be rinsed, drained, dry and free of chemical smell.



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    Which best describes the item you'd like to return?

    Peaceful Valley Brand
    Vegetable Seeds
    Dormant Tree/Plant

    Peaceful Valley Brand Seed Germination Guarantee

    All of our Peaceful Valley brand seeds are guaranteed to germinate. If a significant amount of your seeds did not germinate, please contact us and we’ll be happy to send you a replacement. Please note that once germinated, this guarantee no longer applies if your plant dies.

    Fill out the form below to submit your Germination Guarantee Claim:



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    Limited Dormant Tree/Plant Guarantee (When Planted in the Ground by April 1st) - Deadline is June 1st (with the exception of persimmon trees, which have a deadline of June 15th)!

    What We Guarantee
    Our only guarantee is that your dormant tree/plant will arrive in good, viable condition and will leaf out by May 15th (historically 98% of our trees do). This guarantee is only available to customers who purchased their tree/plant directly from us, and who planted their tree/plant in the ground by April 1st (or temporarily in a pot if the ground in their zone was still frozen solid).

    What We Cannot Guarantee
    We cannot guarantee that your tree/plant remains alive & healthy, or bears fruit, as there are too many variables beyond our control in order to do so (i.e. soil preparation, planting, fertilization, weed & pest control, adequate irrigation and/or drainage, chill hours, compatible hardiness for your zone, proper choice of pollinator, etc).

    How to Request a Credit
    If your tree/plant does not leaf out by May 15th, please follow the steps below to submit a claim. The deadline to contact us for credit is June 1st - any claims submitted after this date will be denied (with the exception of persimmon trees, which have a deadline of June 15th).

    Perform a "scratch test." This test consists of checking for green under the bark. If it is green, give it more time as the tree/plant is still alive. If the scratch test reveals a brown cambium the tree/plant is dead or dying. Fill out the form below to begin the claims process. For more information on this simple procedure, watch our video.Attach pictures of the entire tree/plant, including a picture of the roots and scratch test area.



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    Limited Seed Garlic Guarantee

    Valid on seed garlic planted by November 15th. Claim deadline is 45 days from purchase or delivery. Claims placed after December 31st will be denied.

    What We Guarantee
    Our only guarantee is that the seed garlic we sell will germinate, provided you follow the steps listed in our Garlic Planting & Growing Guide. This guarantee is only available to customers who purchase their seed garlic directly from us.

    What We Cannot Guarantee
    We cannot guarantee that your garlic will remain alive & healthy, or sizes up properly, as there are too many variables beyond our control to be able to do so (i.e. soil preparation, fertilization, weed and pest control, temperature control, irrigation, etc).

    How to Request a Credit
    If you experience a significant lack of germination (over 50%), follow the steps below and fill out the form to submit a claim within 45 days of purchase or delivery.

    • Attach pictures of the lack of germination of your garlic.



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    Non-Returnable Perishable Items

    We're sorry to hear that your plants did not meet your expectations. Unfortunately, due to many variables beyond our control, we are not able to accept returns of plants or seeds that are not covered by our Peaceful Valley Brand Seed Germination Guarantee, our Limited Dormant Tree/Plant Guarantee or our Limited Seed Garlic Guarantee. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact us at (888) 784-1722 or

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    Return Policy

    Here at Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply, we want you to be happy with your purchase. That’s why we are committed to providing you with the highest quality products at the fairest prices. However, we do understand that sometimes things happen and you may want to return an item. Because we still have not been able to locate an organic money-growing tree, we do have to set in place some guidelines on what can and cannot be returned. Please take a minute to read through our Return Policy and contact us toll-free at (888) 784-1722 ext. 125 if you have any questions or need for clarification – we’ll be happy to answer them!

    You may return your unused, like-new, non-perishable item in its intact original packaging within 90 days of the purchase date (or delivery date) with your receipt for a refund of the purchase price of that item (excluding any shipping costs). If you do not have your receipt, we will search your customer record for the related invoice. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept returns of items that were used, as we are not able to resell them as new, or send them back to vendors, simply because the item did not meet your expectations. If you’re returning an item that you bought via mail order, please contact our customer service department to make sure your item is able to be returned. You can contact our customer service department at (888) 784-1722 ext. 125, or by emailing

    Due to the variety of different items that we sell, there are some restrictions we must place on specific types of items that you may want to return. Please check below to see if the item you’d like to return falls under any of the following categories:

    Non-Returnable Items:
    Special orders, items shipped directly from the manufacturer (unless the return is pre-approved by the vendor), custom mixes, custom cuts (i.e. greenhouse poly, shade cloth, etc.), nursery plants, bargain items, broken bag items, and beneficial insects are not returnable under any circumstances due to our inability to resell them, or to receive credit from the manufacturer.

    Missing or Damaged Items:
    If something arrives damaged, defective, or dead, please contact us immediately. If something is missing from your shipment, be sure to check the package thoroughly as small products can often be hidden in packing material. Also, remember that many shipments come in multiple boxes and that boxes can get separated in transit.

    Defective Items:
    Items that are not covered under any warranty but that you deem “defective”, i.e. stopped working and/or broke after a short while, will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the corresponding supplier. Please note that defective units may be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer’s discretion, and that this process generally takes a few days. All defective items being returned must be complete, clean and soil-free. Sprayers must be rinsed, drained, dry and free of chemical smell.

    Items Covered Under Manufacturer’s Warranty:
    For products covered under Manufacturer’s Warranty, replacement (or credit) will be issued once the manufacturer has reviewed the claim and agreed that it is covered under their warranty. Please note that this process generally takes a few days, and some vendors may require that you ship the item back directly to them (for their examination), so please always call us first before returning the item.

    Food Processing Items:
    Due to hygiene concerns, any food processing item that has been opened, even if it has not been used, will be subject to a 15% restocking fee as we will resell the item at an “open box” discount.

    Perishable Items (3-Day Return Policy):
    We guarantee the perishable items we sell to be in good, viable condition when we sell them. Perishable items include, but are not limited to, garlic bulbs, flower bulbs, seed potatoes, onion sets & transplants, bare-root trees, vegetable crowns… etc. If your perishable item arrives in substandard condition, take photographs and please contact us within 3 days of the purchase date (or delivery date) and we will provide you with a refund of the purchase price (excluding shipping costs), or a replacement. Accordingly, we urge you to open any boxes marked as “Perishable” immediately upon receiving them and inspect the shipment thoroughly (do not crack open heads of garlic, we do not accept claims on cracked garlic). Because some perishable items can deteriorate very quickly, we cannot accept any claims beyond the 3-day time frame as it becomes too difficult to determine if these items were delivered in substandard condition, or if they turned into such substandard condition because of having been improperly cared for or stored once delivered.

    Limited Product Guarantees

    Peaceful Valley Brand Seed Germination Guarantee
    All of our Peaceful Valley brand seeds are guaranteed to germinate. If a significant amount of your seeds did not germinate, please contact us and we’ll be happy to send you replacements. Please note that once germinated, this guarantee no longer applies if your plant dies.

    Limited Dormant Tree & Plant Guarantee (When Planted in the Ground by April 1st)
    Claim Deadline is June 1st (with the exception of persimmon trees, which have a deadline of June 15th). Claims placed after June 1st (or June 15th for persimmon trees) will be denied.

    Please note: Our trees will come to you pruned to approximately 4 ft. in height to put the tree’s stored energy into root development vs. foliage production.

    What We Guarantee
    Our only guarantee is that your dormant tree/plant will arrive in good, viable condition and will leaf out by May 15th (historically 98% of our trees do). This guarantee is only available to customers who purchased their tree/plant directly from us, and who planted their tree/plant in the ground by April 1st (or temporarily in a pot if the ground in their zone was still frozen solid). Olive trees are NOT dormant, therefore, they are NOT covered under this guarantee.

    What We Cannot Guarantee
    We cannot guarantee that your tree/plant remains alive & healthy, or bears fruit, as there are too many variables beyond our control in order to do so (i.e. soil preparation, planting, fertilization, weed & pest control, adequate irrigation and/or drainage, chill hours, compatible hardiness for your zone, proper choice of pollinator, etc).

    How to Request a Credit
    If your tree/plant does not leaf out by May 15th, please perform a scratch test by checking for green under the bark, a few inches over the graft. If the scratch test reveals a brown cambium, that means your tree/plant is dead or dying. Watch our video titled Bare Root (Dormant) Warranty on how to perform this simple test. If the scratch test revealed that your plant is dead or dying, pull it from the ground and take pictures of the entire tree/plant, including the roots. Submit your claim & pictures through email to us at no later than June 1st (or June 15th for persimmon trees). We will review your claim and issue you a credit (not a refund) for the purchase price of your tree/plant (excluding shipping).*

    (*) We reserve the right to not issue credit for items already replaced. We also reserve the right to require photographic evidence that the tree/plant was not killed by root rot, rodent or mechanical damage.

    Limited Seed Garlic Guarantee (When Planted by November 15th)
    Claim Deadline is 45 Days from Purchase or Delivery. (Claims placed after December 31st will be denied.)

    What We Guarantee
    Our only guarantee is that the seed garlic we sell will germinate, provided you follow the steps listed in our Garlic Planting & Growing Guide. This guarantee is only available to customers who purchase their seed garlic directly from us.

    What We Cannot Guarantee
    We cannot guarantee that your garlic will remain alive & healthy, or sizes up properly, as there are too many variables beyond our control to be able to do so (i.e. soil preparation, fertilization, weed and pest control, temperature control, irrigation, etc).

    How to Request a Credit
    If you encounter a significant lack of germination of your garlic (over 50%), please contact us within 45 days of delivery. If we determine that your garlic had a significant lack of germination, we will issue you a credit (not a refund) for the purchase price of your garlic (excluding shipping).* This 45-day time frame is meant to allow you up to 2 weeks to plant your garlic, and up to 4 weeks to check for signs of growth.

    (*) We reserve the right to not issue credit for items already replaced. We also reserve the right to require photographic evidence of the lack of germination of your garlic.

    Seed & Plant Limitation of Remedy
    We warrant, to the extent of the purchase price only, that the seeds & plants we sell are as described in our catalogs, website and/or labels within recognized tolerances. No other warranty is given, expressed or implied, of the merchantability or fitness of the seeds & plants that we sell for any particular purpose, or against loss due to any cause. We cannot accept any responsibility for the many growing and climactic conditions beyond our control (i.e. soil preparation, fertilization, weed and pest control, temperature control, irrigation, etc) that must be met to ensure the success of your crop(s) or plant(s). In no event shall we be liable for any direct or indirect damages or consequential losses arising out of the use or inability to use the seeds & plants that we sell, notwithstanding the failure of the essential purpose of any remedy.

    Product Limitation of Liability
    Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, Inc.’s liability, with regards to the purchase and/or use of any products sold, is strictly limited to the replacement (or refund of the purchase price) of the product. Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, Inc. disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, Inc. be liable for any direct or indirect damages or consequential losses arising out of the use or inability to use the products, notwithstanding the failure of the essential purpose of any remedy.

    Shipping Policy

    Simply put, we are always looking for the cheapest method of shipping available for your order. We carry over 4000 products of various sizes and weights everything from a seed pack to a motorized tiller.

    • We ship via USPS, FedEx Home Delivery to residences and via FedEx Ground to businesses.
    • Shipping is assessed using the same method employed by FedEx, based on weight and zone.

    View additional shipping information here.

    Flat Rate Shipping:

    $7.99 Via SmartPost (Available Up to 9 lbs.)
    Once your order ships, delivery may take up to 14 days, and possibly longer to rural areas. Packages are carried via FedEx and transferred to your local U.S. Post Office for delivery. You MUST receive mail via USPS to use this shipping method. Only available to the contiguous 48 states. New FedEx rules (as of January 2015) determines the shipping weight of a box is the greater of either dimensional weight or actual weight.

    $14.99 Via FedEx Ground/Home (Available Up to 40lbs)
    Once your order ships, delivery is in approximately 1-5 business days. This method does NOT ship to PO Boxes. Only available to the contiguous 48 states. FedEx rules (as of January 2015) determines the shipping weight of a box is the greater of either dimensional weight or actual weight.

    Some items (ie. bare root trees, large tools, etc) may not be eligible for the standard SmartPost & FedEx Home/Ground Flat Rate Shipping offer. Please contact us at (888) 784-1722 for more clarification.

    Free Shipping on Seed Packs
    Free Shipping (via USPS) on your order of seed packs when you purchase 5 or more Peaceful Valley brand seed packs. Offer applies only to orders containing seed packs and no other items. Offer may end at anytime without notice.

    Bare Root Trees
    We ship our bare root trees on a first-come, first-served basis beginning in mid-December. We are unable to delay shipping due to many factors, most importantly limited storage and our warm California climate which causes bare root trees to break dormancy much sooner than in colder areas (bare root trees must be dormant to best survive shipping). If you are unable to plant your tree(s) right away, read our instructions on heeling in trees. All of our bare root trees come with free professional pruning, which will put the tree's stored energy first into root growth rather than leaf production. Our bare root trees ship in special boxes with their roots bagged in moist sawdust to help ensure their survival during transit. Up to 10 trees can fit in a box (due to their size, nut and multi-graft trees count as 2). Each box ships for $29.99 via FedEx Ground (or FedEx Home Delivery) to the lower 48 states. Bare root trees cannot ship via USPS, and cannot be shipped to P.O. boxes. We are unable to ship our bare root trees to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. Bare root trees cannot be combined with potted trees.

    Potted Trees & Vines - Ship up to 9 Trees/Vines for $19.99!
    Our potted tree/vine varieties include Almonds, Figs, Pomegranates, Olives, Kiwis and Gojis. Up to 9 potted trees/vines can ship together in one master box. Potted tree/vine boxes ship for $19.99 to the lower 48 states via FedEx Ground (or FedEx Home Delivery). Potted trees/vines cannot ship via USPS, and cannot be shipped to P.O. boxes. We are unable to ship our potted trees/vines to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. Potted trees/vines cannot be combined with bare root trees.

    SmartPost Disclaimer: Packages shipped via SmartPost are transported from our facility to your local U.S. Post Office via FedEx. Your local U.S. Post Office is then responsible for delivering your package to you. In the case that your package(s) arrive damaged or do not arrive at all, please contact us and we will file a claim with FedEx on your behalf.

    Drop Ship Items: Items shipping directly from the vendor are noted as such. Shipping charges are calculated by our call center and will be confirmed before shipping. Drop ship orders will often be delivered within two weeks of ordering, but in some cases these orders can take longer due to product availability and weather delays. Once an order has shipped, your order cannot be canceled.

    Shipping to Hawaii, Guam, Alaska, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands: Items generally ship to these locations via USPS Priority Mail. USPS does not guarantee transit time and Parcel Post can take up to several weeks to AK, HI, and PR. FedEx Service is available but is generally quite a bit more expensive. Boat and Barge shipments for palletized orders are available. Call for a quote. Perishable items and beneficial insects cannot ship to these locations.

    Non-Combinable Items: Individual items that are boxed in their own package or that are too large, heavy, or long to be boxed with other items. Figure the shipping cost for non-combinable items separately, and then add them to your total shipping cost. For over-sized items add an additional $10 per item.

    Combinable Items: Packaged weights are shown in the parenthesis after each part number. Individual items weighing less than 40 lbs. are generally "combinable" (they can be included in one box weighing up to 70 lbs.) Items over 40 lbs. must ship alone to avoid damage. If your combinable items total 70 lbs. or less they will ship in one box. Figure your zone using the chart below and then figure weight of the box. If your items weigh more than 70 lbs. then figure your shipment as more than one box (one at 70 lbs and the remaining weight as the 2nd box). These two costs calculated together will result with your shipping costs.

    Turnaround Time and Back Orders: Orders where all items are in-stock typically ship within 1–2 business days, but turnaround time does vary by season. Expedited shipping options are available upon request. If some items on your order are out of stock, we may ship your order in two parts if the back ordered portion can ship at no additional cost, or if you request and/or accept the additional shipping charges. This "split-shipment" will result in your order total being charged in two installments (the entire shipping amount and items shipped in the first part of the order, and the remaining product cost for the subsequent portion).

    Tracking Your Order: All orders shipping via FedEx or USPS, with the exception of drop-ship orders, will be provided with tracking information via the an email to the email address provided on the order on the day the order is shipped. Please contact us immediately if you think your shipment is lost or if your shipment arrives damaged.

    Receiving Your Order: When your order arrives, open the package immediately and inspect the content against the packing slip; it is especially important to check viability on living plants immediately. Notify us immediately of any shortages or damage, do not discard any damaged items or shipping cartons. The shipping company may require an inspection prior to approving any claim.
    For truck orders, do not sign for the shipment until you have confirmed the shipment is complete and has no apparent and/or concealed damage. If there is a shortage or damage it must be noted on the proof of delivery, or we cannot accept responsibility.

    Pricing Policy

    Although we do our best to maintain published prices for an entire catalog term, product prices and bulk seed increments may change without notice. If you find a lower price from a brick and mortar store on our products, kindly provide us proof within 30 days of purchase and we will gladly match it, beat it, or refund you the difference. This offer applies to identical products and excludes misprints, liquidation sales or floor model display model sales.

    Despite our best efforts, a small number of items in our catalogs or website may be mis-printed or mis-priced. We reserve the right to correct any such mis-prints or mis-prices. If the correct price of an item sold by Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply is higher than the stated price and you do not not agree to pay the correct price, we will cancel your order, notify you of such cancellation and refund any prices you may have already paid.

    Privacy Policy

    In order to expand the organic community, we may rent, exchange, or sell the names and mailing addresses of those customers who do not opt-out by calling (888) 784-1722 or emailing a request to

    For details on what information our website collects about you, click the 'Privacy Policy' link below.

    Privacy Policy