Start a Gardening Club
Gardening tips and experiences have been passed down from elders to the youngsters for generations. Keep up the trend and start a gardening club to share your trials, tips and even errors with other folks, from the most experienced to those just catching the passion for growing their own food.
How Do I Find Members?
Find members that are local to you. Your neighbors, work, ad in your local paper, neighborhood nurseries, put up fliers in local stores and hangouts, churches and community centers, even your local library.
Set up the Initial Meeting Date and Time
Keep in mind of everyone's busy schedule and make the first meeting day one that will work for most people to meet. After you have gathered your core group, set up your meeting times and days that will work for most members.
Other Things to Consider for Your Club
Come up with a name for your gardening club. Make a calendar of events for the club with speakers, activities, plant or seed swaps, cooking/harvest parties, or outings to public gardens or members gardens. Does you club want to take advantage of a community gardening space and garden together?
Where Do I Get Speakers for the Club?
There are many resources out in the community that will come to speak at a garden club. Here are just a few ideas: Master Gardeners, Specialty Plant Societies, schools with Horticulture Programs, other garden clubs, club members, local nurseries or gardening stores.
What Kind of Activities Can Our Club Do?
There are endless ideas on what your gardening club can do. First and foremost, share your passion for gardening with other members and the community. But here are some other ideas:- Have garden starting parties
- Host a plant sale/swap
- Volunteer your services at local community centers or nursing homes
- Host harvest or cooking activities
- Have an annual seed exchange
- Share ideas and recipes with members
- Start a website and blog about your club
- Plan a field trip to an arboretum, farm or favorite garden center
Most importantly, share your passion for gardening, cooking, healthy living and have fun!