Drip Irrigation - Part 4 - Using Emitterline in the Garden

drip irrigation line emitterline

How to Assemble a Drip Irrigation System

Welcome to part 4 of How to Assemble a Drip Irrigation System. We're going to share our tips on how to assemble Emitterline. Before getting started we suggest that you watch Part 1 How to Assemble a Drip Irrigation System. You can also watch our video on installing emitterline, where Tricia shows you how to install it in your garden.

Facts About Emitterline

  • Best operating pressure is between 60 psi and 15 psi.
  • The emitter line is great for areas that you want to water with a meandering line.
  • It's good for moderate water coverage in landscaping areas such as shrubs, perennials, trees and it can also be used for garden beds.
  • Emitterline is sometimes confused at first glance with poly tubing.
  • It comes in 1/4" and 1/2".
  • 1/2" emitterline has 1.0 GPH emitters spaced every 12". At 25 psi the maximum run length is 216 feet, at 55 psi, the maximum run length is 357 feet.
  • 1/4" emitterline has 0.5 GPH emitters spaced every 6". The maximum run length is 18 feet.

Installing 1/2" Emitterline In Straight Lines

  • Extend your 1/2" poly tubing (supply line) along one full edge of the garden.
  • At the spots where you want to branch off an emitterline, cut the poly tubing and insert a Power-Loc 1/2"Tee, reconnect the poly tubing and the third end is facing in the direction of your emitterline.
  • At the end of the emitterline install an End Cap or just fold over the end and use a 1/2" Figure 8 Closure.
  • If you need to make any sharp turns, use an elbow, to prevent kinking.
  • Make sure the holes are facing up when laying the emitterline down.
  • Secure it with ground staples.

Installing 1/2" Emitterline in a Circle

If you'll be laying your emitter line in a loop you'll need to install two Power-Loc Tees. The first tee will cut the poly tubing as we described in a previous design but this time the side branch will also be a short length of poly tubing. At the far end of this short poly tubing install another tee. This second tee should have one end installed into the poly and the other two ends of the tee will fit into the two ends of the emitterline to form a closed loop.

Installing 1/4" Emitterline

To use the 1/4" emitterline use 1/4" fittings punched into the side of the poly tubing. Keep in mind when designing your system that the maximum length per run of 1/4" emitterline is 18 feet. An option is to add a shut off valve in order save water when not using a line. For simplicity, efficiency and to save water, water your garden with emitterline and grow organic for life!

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