Planting Bare Root Strawberry Crowns

Planting Bare Root Strawberry Crowns


What Are Bare Root Strawberry Crowns?

Bare root strawberry crowns are dormant strawberry plants that are shipped without soil and are ready to be planted directly into the garden. When planting bare root strawberries, it's essential to ensure the crown of the strawberry plant is at the soil line and the strawberry roots are spread out in the planting hole.

Bare root strawberry plants, such as June bearing strawberries, can be planted in early spring for optimal root growth and leaf growth. To plant bare root strawberries successfully, keep the roots moist and choose a sunny location, like raised beds or a matted row system, for thriving strawberry patches that produce firm berries throughout the growing season.

A Person Picking a Strawberry

Why Choose Bare Root Strawberries for Your Garden?

Choosing bare root strawberries for your garden offers many advantages, including vigorous root growth and easy planting. Bare root strawberry plants, like June bearing strawberries, arrive dormant, ready to be planted in early spring, allowing for rapid strawberry growth and healthy leaf growth.

When planting bare root strawberries, the strawberry crowns should sit at the soil line, with strawberry roots properly spread in the planting hole. Bare root strawberries are cost-effective and can be stored before planting, giving you more strawberries in your strawberry patches throughout the growing season.

Benefits of Growing Strawberries from Bare Root Crowns

Growing strawberries from bare root crowns offers several benefits, such as promoting strong root growth and producing healthy strawberry plants. When planting bare root strawberries in early spring, the strawberry crowns establish quickly, allowing the plants to produce fruit faster, whether you’re growing June bearing strawberries or everbearing varieties.

Bare root strawberry plants are easy to plant in garden beds, ensuring that the strawberry roots are placed properly in the planting hole at the soil line. With proper soil moisture and care, these bare root plants can produce firm berries and more strawberries throughout the growing season in your strawberry patches.

Why Strawberry Crown Health is Crucial for a Successful Harvest

The Role of the Strawberry Crown in Plant Growth

The strawberry crown plays a vital role in the growth and fruit production of strawberry plants, serving as the central point where the roots, leaves, and flowers all converge. When planting bare root strawberries, particularly june bearing strawberries or day neutral strawberries, it’s essential to position the strawberry crown at the correct soil level to ensure proper root growth and optimal fruit development.

A healthy strawberry crown helps produce fruit more efficiently, as it supports the strawberry roots and encourages strong leaf growth and the formation of strawberry flowers. This is especially important when planting bare root strawberry plants in early spring, as the bare root strawberries arrive dormant and rely on the strength of their crowns to establish a robust root system that will yield ripe fruit by mid-July.

Signs of a Healthy Strawberry Crown

A healthy strawberry crown is essential for strong strawberry plants that will thrive and produce fruit throughout the growing season. When planting bare root strawberries, look for a strawberry crown that is firm, free from rot, and has visible new leaf growth—indicating robust root growth and the plant's ability to support strawberry flowers and future ripe fruit.

If you're planting bare root strawberry plants like june bearing strawberries or ever bearing strawberries, ensure that the strawberry crown sits just above the soil line in the planting hole to encourage strong strawberry roots and healthy fruit production.

Close up of Strawberries Plants

Common Problems with Strawberry Crowns

When planting bare root strawberries, one of the most common problems is crown rot, which can prevent the strawberry crown from developing healthy roots and leaf growth. If bare root strawberry plants are planted too deeply or in poorly-drained soil, it can lead to fungal growth and damaged strawberry bare roots, affecting fruit production and hindering the development of ripe fruit.

Proper care during planting strawberries, including maintaining soil moisture and avoiding overhead irrigation, is key to protecting plants from diseases that could stunt their strawberry growth and reduce the yield of june bearing varieties or ever bearing strawberries.

How to Protect and Maintain Strawberry Crown Health

To ensure your strawberry crown stays healthy and supports strong strawberry plants, it's important to provide consistent soil moisture and avoid overwatering, which can lead to fungal growth around the strawberry bare roots. When planting bare root strawberries, make sure the strawberry crown is positioned at the correct soil level in the planting hole, and consider using drip irrigation to keep the roots moist without soaking the leaves.

Additionally, applying winter mulch around strawberry beds and using organic fertilizer can help protect the strawberry crown from extreme weather conditions and promote healthy fruit development, ensuring that your june bearing strawberries and ever bearing strawberries produce plenty of ripe fruit throughout the growing season.

Selective Focus Photography of Strawberry_Fruit

The Link Between Crown Health and Fruit Production

The health of the strawberry crown directly impacts fruit production, as a strong strawberry crown supports robust root growth and promotes the development of healthy strawberry roots. When planting bare root strawberries, proper positioning of the strawberry crown at the correct soil level is essential for ensuring vigorous leaf growth and abundant fruit development in strawberry beds.

A well-established crown allows strawberry plants like june bearing strawberries and ever bearing strawberries to thrive, producing more ripe fruit throughout the growing season, from early summer to early fall, making it critical to protect and maintain the crown’s health from the moment bare root strawberries arrive.

How Bare Root Strawberries Differ from Potted Plants

Growth Patterns

Bare root strawberries differ from potted plants primarily in their growth patterns. When planting bare root strawberries, the crown strawberry must be positioned at soil level to support robust root growth and fruit production. In contrast, potted plants have established root systems and typically show quicker initial growth, but may require more frequent attention to soil moisture and nutrient levels.

Bare root strawberry plants, which arrive with dormant roots, generally develop a strong root system and healthier plants over time, making them ideal for long-term strawberry patches and garden beds.

A Strawberry Fruit on a Brown Soil

Soil and Nutrient Needs

Bare root strawberries and potted plants have different soil and nutrient needs. When planting bare root strawberries, it’s crucial to ensure that the crown strawberry is positioned at soil level and that the planting hole is prepared with rich, well-draining soil.

These bare root plants often require additional attention to soil moisture and organic fertilizer to support their initial growth and establish a strong root system. Potted plants, on the other hand, come with pre-grown roots and may already be accustomed to their soil mix, but they still need careful management of soil moisture and nutrients to promote healthy strawberry growth and prevent issues such as powdery mildew.

Hands of a Person Holding Strawberry Plant Bearing Fruit

Simple steps for planting your strawberries

There’s a cold north wind blowing, rattling the last of the winter-dead leaves on the trees. The skies are grey, threatening another round of sleet or maybe snow. The land, too, is gray, no signs of spring are yet in sight. What better time could there be to bundle up, grab your shovel and plant some strawberries!

Step 1: Select a Variety

All strawberry plants are not created equal. Before you get planting, you’ll need to consider what variety would be best for your garden.

bare root strawberry crown


June-bearing strawberries are renowned for their high yield and productivity. These strawberry plants typically produce a large harvest of ripe fruit in a concentrated, month-long burst during early summer or late spring, starting the second year after planting.

This single, substantial harvest is perfect for making jams and jellies. Notable June-bearing varieties include Honeyoye, Allstar, Eclair, and Chandler. For the best results, ensure proper planting of bare root strawberry plants, including positioning the crown strawberry at soil level and maintaining good soil moisture.


Ever-bearing strawberries produce two crops per year, starting from the second year after planting. These strawberry plants yield fruit in mid-summer and again in autumn, with a brief period of lower production in between. This harvest cycle is ideal for preserving and market gardens.

Varieties such as Fort Laramie, Quinault, and Ozark Beauty are popular choices. For optimal results, ensure proper planting of bare root strawberries, positioning the crown strawberry at soil level and maintaining adequate soil moisture to support vigorous strawberry growth and fruit production.

Day Neutral:

Day-neutral strawberries produce fruit from spring to fall, offering a harvest similar to ever-bearing strawberries but spread throughout the entire growing season. This makes them ideal for fresh eating due to their extended harvest period. Varieties like Fern, Seascape, and Eversweet are excellent choices for continuous fruit production.

When selecting strawberry plants, consider your local climate. For cold areas, planting bare root strawberries such as Honeyoye and Fort Laramie will ensure better winter survival. In the Inland Northwest and Intermountain West, try Allstar and Quinault. For regions with mild winters and hot summers, Chandler, Sequoia, or Seascape are suitable options. Proper planting of bare root strawberry plants, including positioning the crown strawberry at soil level and maintaining adequate soil moisture, is crucial for successful strawberry growth.

Step 2: Site Preparation

The Soil...

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to get your garden ready. Winter is the best time to plant strawberries, as dormant strawberry crowns are quicker and easier to establish than summer transplants. The best time to plant the crowns is when nighttime temperatures remain above 25°F.

strawberry planting methods

Strawberries prefer well-drained, sandy loam that is at least 12 inches deep. However, they are tolerant of most soil conditions so long as the drainage is good. They are also ideal for container gardens and raised beds.

Select a spot in full sun. Strawberries grown in shade will not produce much if any fruit. Prepare your soil to 12 inches deep. For best success, test your soil to find out what fertilizers would help strawberries grown in your soil. The soil should be 5.5 to 7.0 pH, but 6.0 to 6.5 pH is ideal. It should be light and loamy. Strawberry nutrient requirements are the same as standard garden soil, except that they require slightly extra potassium (K). Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is fairly common in strawberries, which can be supplemented with a trace mineral blend such as Cascade Minerals.

The Weeds...

Weed control is essential for strawberries. Remove the weeds before planting. Strawberry patches can be very difficult to weed later, and prevention is the best solution. You can mulch with red or silver plastic mulch or a natural mulch, like rice straw, to prevent weeds from regrowing.

Photo of a Hand Reaching for a Fresh Strawberry from a Plant

Step 3: Planting

There are two common patterns to plant your strawberries. If you will be growing Day Neutral or Everbearing berries, which produce few runners, plant them in a “Ribbon Row” or "Hill Method" 4 – 9" apart in an 18" wide row. If you will be growing June-bearing strawberries, plant them in a “Matted Row” 9 – 18" apart in a 12 – 18" wide row; next year you will allow up to 6 daughter plants to form from the runners and set them evenly spaced around each mother plant. Additional runners should be pruned to encourage heavier fruit set and prevent overcrowding in the beds.

The hole that you plant in should be big enough to hold the roots without crowding. The best depth to plant the crowns is for the settled soil level (after firming and watering) to be half way between the top of the roots and the bottom of the crown bud. Be careful not to plant too shallowly or the roots will dry out easily, and not so deep as to cover the bud.

Step 4: Maintenance

Person cutting stem of strawberry fruit

Your strawberries will probably flower in the first year. For June-bearers and Everbearers, pinch the flowers off to encourage stronger roots and healthy growth. As tempting as it is to get a small harvest the first year, your plants will produce more overall if you force them to focus on growing bigger in the first year instead of spending energy on making fruit.

Also keep those runners pruned. In peak season, look for new runners to remove weekly. If the temptation to let them produce more plants is too strong to resist, you can pot the pruned runners in their own new home. Just soak the nodes in diluted liquid kelp overnight, and plant in containers or a newly prepared strawberry patch. Before you know it, you’ll have strawberry plants to give to all your friends and neighbors!

Your strawberries will require adequate irrigation, but be careful not to over water. Drip irrigation is best. If you overhead-water your strawberries, do so in the morning so that the leaves and fruit have plenty of time to dry off by nightfall.

Common Pests and Diseases

Identifying Common Issues

When dealing with bare root strawberries, identifying common pests and diseases early is crucial for maintaining a healthy strawberry patch. Common issues include fungal growth, which can affect the strawberry plant's leaves and roots, particularly if the plants are overwatered or if overhead irrigation is used excessively.

Pests such as aphids and spider mites can also damage strawberry plants, often targeting the green fruit and new leaf growth. To prevent and manage these problems, ensure proper planting of bare root strawberries, maintain good soil moisture with drip irrigation, and consider using organic treatments from your local nursery.


Natural Treatment Options

For managing common pests and diseases in your strawberry patch, natural treatment options can be highly effective. To combat fungal growth on bare root strawberries, consider using organic solutions like neem oil or fish emulsion, which can help control issues while promoting healthy strawberry plant growth.

Introducing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, can also help manage pests without harming your strawberry plants. Ensure that you store bare root strawberries properly and use drip irrigation to avoid overhead watering, which can exacerbate fungal problems. For further advice, consult your local nursery for specific treatments suited to your region and the varieties you are growing.

How to Harvest and Store Strawberry Crowns for Next Season

Step-by-Step Guide to Harvesting Strawberry Crowns

To harvest strawberry crowns for next season, begin by carefully digging up bare root plants after the growing season, ensuring that the strawberry crown remains intact and the strawberry bare roots are not damaged. It's important to select winter hardy crowns with very long roots and healthy baby plants to replant as starter plants for the following year.

Once harvested, store the live plants in a cool, dark place to maintain dormancy until early July, when you can begin planting strawberries in direct sunlight to ensure strong growth for the next season.

Fresh Strawberry growing

Best Practices for Storing Bare Root Strawberry Crowns

After harvesting your bare root plants, carefully clean the strawberry bare roots and allow them to dry slightly before storing them in a cool, dark place to maintain dormancy. For optimal storage, place the strawberry crown in a breathable container, ensuring the roots are kept moist but not wet, to protect the very long roots and baby plants until early July.

When ready to plant, check that the crowns are winter hardy and free of pests before planting strawberries in direct sunlight to encourage strong growth for your next crop of starter plants.

When to Replant Strawberry Crowns for Optimal Growth

For optimal growth, strawberry crowns should be replanted in early July, once the bare root plants have had time to establish a strong root system over the winter. When planting strawberries, ensure the strawberry bare roots are well-spread and positioned at the proper soil level to allow for healthy growth, taking care to place them in direct sunlight to encourage robust leaf development and fruit production.

Be sure to select winter hardy varieties to ensure that starter plants like baby plants thrive for the next growing season, following all the tips for live plants to avoid common pitfalls.

Close Up Photo of Strawberries


In conclusion, planting bare root strawberries is a rewarding way to achieve a bountiful harvest while supporting strong and healthy strawberry plants. By choosing the right strawberry varieties—whether June bearing plants, everbearing strawberries, or day neutral varieties—you can tailor your garden to produce ripe fruit throughout the growing season.

Proper planting techniques, such as positioning the strawberry bare roots at the correct soil level and maintaining consistent soil moisture with drip irrigation, are essential for optimal strawberry growth. Be sure to store bare root strawberries correctly until planting, and manage pests and diseases using natural treatments to ensure a thriving strawberry patch.

With careful attention and a bit of patience, your strawberry bed will yield an abundance of sweet, firm berries from early summer through late fall. For more guidance on growing strawberries organically and successfully, consult resources like the Peaceful Valley Growing Guide or your local nursery.

So put your strawberries in the ground now, and a delicious summer harvest will be here before you know it! For high-quality strawberry plants for sale, explore our selection and get started today.

Closeup of a Strawberry Plant

FAQs about Planting Bare Root Strawberry Crowns

  • What are bare root strawberries?

    • Bare root strawberries are dormant strawberry plants shipped without soil. They consist of strawberry bare roots and a crown that will develop into a full strawberry plant when planted.

  • When should I plant bare root strawberries?

    • Planting strawberries is best done in early spring, just after the last frost, for June bearing plants and everbearing strawberries. However, you can also plant them in late fall, depending on your climate.

  • How do I plant bare root strawberries?

    • When planting bare roots, dig a hole deep enough to spread out the long roots, ensuring the bottom of the crown sits at soil level. This encourages new root growth and prevents fungal growth.

  • How do I care for bare root strawberries after planting?

    • Keep the soil moist and use drip irrigation or overhead irrigation to maintain even moisture in your strawberry bed. In the first few weeks, monitor for new leaf growth to ensure the strawberry plants are establishing well.

  • Can I store bare root strawberries before planting?

    • Yes, if your bare root strawberries arrive early, you can store bare root strawberries in a cool, dark place with the roots moist until you're ready to plant them.

  • What types of strawberries can I grow from bare root plants?

    • You can plant June bearing plants, everbearing strawberries, or day-neutral varieties from bare roots, all of which will produce fruit during the growing season.

  • What are the best conditions for growing bare root strawberries?

    • Strawberry beds in raised beds or garden rows work best, with plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. Using organic fertilizers like fish emulsion helps promote growth and disease resistance.

  • How long does it take for bare root strawberries to produce fruit?

    • Bare root strawberries may start producing green fruit a few weeks after planting, with ripe fruit ready by mid-July for June bearing plants, and continued harvests summer-long for day-neutral and everbearing varieties.

  • How do I prevent fungal growth in my strawberry patch?

    • Make sure to plant the crowns at the proper depth, avoid overhead irrigation, and provide good airflow in your strawberry bed to reduce the risk of fungal growth.

  • Where can I get bare root strawberries?

    • You can purchase bare root strawberry plants at a local nursery or order them online. Strawberry plugs are another option for starting your strawberry patch.

For more information on growing strawberries, check out the Peaceful Valley Growing Guide, Cornell University Cooperative Extension, or University of Idaho Cooperative Extension

For more information on growing BIG strawberries organically, see our guide.

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I planted my strawberries at the end of may this year, and I’m not seeing any progress. I bought a pack of 20 plants but there were only a few with leaves. (When I bought it they said it was 9 plants. If was definitely more) I planted them exactly as you specified, but only the originals with leaves seem to be doing ok. The rest look dead. I thought I didn’t plant deep enough or water enough but now i have no idea. Will I see growth next year? I just tried to cover all the roots and not the head bc I thought they dried out .


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